[3-31-20: UPDATE (we are leaving older threads up below)]
Putney Foodshelf will be open Saturdays only, from 9–11 am beginning April 4th, 2020.
Putney Community Center
10 Christian Square, Putney, VT
[Currently drive through. Pull up in your car and stay in line.]
[3-17-20: UPDATE (we are leaving older threads up below)]
We are open tonight from 6–7 pm! Please read below for the changes we've implemented following guidance from the Vermont Foodbank, and please share this widely!
Starting tonight, we're shifting to a drive up model. Please stay in your car and wait for a volunteer to direct you. Each customer has the option to receive the following:
- A prepacked bag with shelf stable foods and some produce (subject to change)
- One roll of toilet paper
- A package of meat
-A quart of milk, cheese, and half a dozen eggs.
We are committed to continuing our open hours during this time. If you can't make it to open hours, please call 211 for assistance. Leave a message. Someone will call you back!
Do you have any questions about tonight's open hours? Please comment below or message us with questions. We're so grateful for the support of our community and that we're able to support you, too.
Wondering how you can help? Do you need help? With the blessing of our selectboard and town personnel, volunteers Ruby McAdoo and Jaime Contois have created a form we can use for offering/requesting mutual aid. Please consider filling out the form and share concerns you have about your own needs and/or ways you would like to volunteer to offer support.
Form: http://bit.ly/PutneyMutualAid
We have gotten clear direction that all action will be taken with the approved guidance of the Emergency Management Director (Tom Goddard, Putney's Fire Chief). This effort to coordinate mutual aid using this form is a way to gather information only.
[3-16-20: We will update this news item as important information becomes available]
Foodshelf overview: The Putney Foodshelf is in direct communication and working to collaborate with the Town of Putney, Putney Central School, Putney Community Cares, Hunger Council of the Windham Region, Vermont Foodbank, among others. We are staying engaged with all these partners so we can coordinate and work together as things evolve. At the same time, we are aware that we need to work within our bounds. We have a unique role to play and limits to our resources. We do not want to overstretch ourselves or work redundantly. We expect more clarity on this to unfold in the coming weeks.
A Foodshelf team of people is thinking carefully about how to proceed. Hannah, our executive director, is working closely with board member Paul Renouf, a former oil spills manager who is providing invaluable help in thinking through emergency preparedness and safe practices, along with the rest of the Board and Christine Couturier, MD who brings her medical background and skillful systems thinking. Immense gratitude for the time and intelligence they are devoting to the Foodshelf right now, in service of our community.
In the coming weeks we will adapt our way of serving people as needed, with the intent to continue to support our community as a food resource.
Open Hours: The Foodshelf continues to be open as usual with additional safety precautions. This includes: hand washing before shopping, a time-lag of space between shoppers, providing 6 feet of space between chairs in the waiting room, and using a new no-contact system instead of chips and data forms. Anyone showing up to the Foodshelf who is sick is being asked to return to their car. We will pack them a box of staple foods and request they call 2-1-1 for future access to food. (2-1-1 will connect people from any town to their local services.)