The Foodshelf has been serving around 175 households a week during Open Hours. This the highest running average we’ve ever seen. By supporting our work, your gift helps support your community. Please join us in helping to ensure everyone has access to nourishing food.

Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. We need all of these forms of support. Thank you!


Complete this short form to become a Putney Foodshelf volunteer.

Financial Gifts

To send a gift by mail: Putney Foodshelf, PO Box 337, Putney Vermont 05346.

To give a gift of stock or another type of planned gift:

We’re here to answer any questions you might have about giving. Please reach out to our Executive Director, Hannah Pick, with any questions. She can help you get started!

A gift of appreciated stocks supports the Putney Foodshelf, plus other benefits include:

  • An immediate tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid

  • No capital gains tax on the transfer when the stock is sold by Putney Foodshelf

Ask your broker to transfer the stock to our account:

  • Receiving Financial Institution: Charles Schwab & Company, Inc.

  • Receiving Account Registration: The Putney Foodshelf, Inc.

  • Receiving Account Number: 8873 - 3756

  • DTC Number: 0164

Please help us more efficiently process your gift by letting us know that you’re initiating a transfer. Reach out to Hannah at or by phone at 802-387-8551. Thank you!

The Putney Foodshelf is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

We work hard to keep our costs low in the ways we source food and staff the Foodshelf. We have a remarkable dedicated team of volunteers that helps to make this possible. Each year we seek social service funding from the Town of Putney, Town of Brattleboro, and newly the Town of Westminster. We actively seek grant funding, and work to build connections with foundations and funders to sustain long-term financial stability for the organization.

In-Kind Gifts

To make a donation of food or personal care items, please contact our Operations Manager: 802-387-0838 or to arrange a time for delivery. We welcome local eggs, frozen meat from commercial slaughterhouses, small donations and bulk donations (ex. a case of beans or package of toilet paper rolls). We also welcome donations from your gardens throughout the season! We cannot accept donations that are six months past their best buy date or left at our door unattended.

Thank you!