Putney Diaper Bank Pilot Program

Did you know that 3Squares and WIC  do not subsidize the purchase of  diapers? Diapers cost ~$75per month, per child, and a recent studya recent study found that over half of women were more stressed about affording diapers than food, housing, or electricity. While providing diapers is not part of Putney Foodshelf’s core mission, food shelves often serve as the distribution arm for diapers because of our infrastructure and community reach.

Building off the success of our monthly pet food pop-up, Putney Foodshelf is collaborating with Putney Community Cares to pilot a diaper bank. We are able to order diapers from Vermont Foodbank, which we will distribute once a month during Open Hours, with support from Putney Community Cares. As we learn more about diaper need - including most desired sizes and how to reach caregivers - we may expand the program.  For more  information on diaper need in Vermont, visit The National Diaper Bank.  To request diaper assistance or donate unused disposable diapers in any type, size, or brand and unopened wipes and diaper creams, please contact Ruby McAdoo, coordinator@putneycommunitycares.org