Everyone Eats! is Back in Putney

Everyone Eats! resumed on January 18 and will continue with distribution every Monday in Putney (at the Putney Community Center from 5:30-6:00 p.m.), and every Monday through Thursday in Brattleboro at 80 Flat Street from 4:00-6:00 p.m.  Everyone Eats is being implemented in Putney in a collaboration between the Putney Foodshelf and Putney Mutual Aid. 

In this new phase of the program we are hoping to source the majority of the meals distributed in Putney from Putney restaurants, including the Gleanery and the Putney Co-op.  The current plan is to distribute the meals to those who had signed up during last year’s phase of the program. As before, limited meals may be available to drive-up customers from 5:30-6 on Mondays at the Putney Community Center.  Email putneymutualaid@gmail.com for more information or to reserve meals. Putney Mutual Aid is also seeking to offer these Putney-sourced meals once a week to the staff at Putney Central School. 

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