Top the Truck is over, and what a day! We so enjoyed seeing community members stop by to drop off food, monetary donations, or just give us a hearty thumbs up.
The food is now sorted and put on the shelves, and the cases of food folks ordered from the Putney Food Co-op at bulk discount rate have been delivered to the Foodshelf and Food4Kids.
We received 2,590.5 pounds this year!
Special THANKS to:
The Putney Food Co-op for running another bulk food drive for Top the Truck. This is a terrific partnership that brought in 43% of the total food collected!!
The Grammar School whose families donated 400 pounds of food, which was delivered by the 8th graders. This was 27% of the total food collected at the truck!
Thanks to the spirited Landmark College softball team and to students from The Putney School. Thanks to the Leadership Council of students at Putney Central School who did a fabulous job tabling at the Co-op, and also delivered a food collection to the truck.
Thanks to Peter "Fish" Case and the PEAK radio station for joining us and advocating for TTT on the air. (Students from PCS had a blast getting their voices on the radio.)
Thanks to volunteer Christine Couturier who led the way this year with the food management. She put in an amazing effort behind the scenes preparing, organizing the truck, restocking and putting the food away. The back storage room looks amazing, and the Foodshelf is full and ready for shoppers.
We couldn't have done it without the effort of EVERY SINGLE PERSON who pitched in! Thank you all!!
THANKS to our sponsors: Consolidated Communications, J.D. McCliment's, and Soundview Paper Co.
The end of the month is a busy time at Putney Foodshelf. If you find yourself a little short, please visit us during our Open Hours: 9–10 am on Saturday and 6–7 pm on Tuesdays at the Putney Community Center, 10 Christian Square. Everyone is welcome, and we collect minimal data (zip code and number of household members) for tracking purposes. There’s no burdensome paperwork or requirements to shop! You can visit us once or regularly.
If you missed Top the Truck but still want to make a donation, check out our support page for details:
If you have any questions about the Foodshelf, reach out to our executive director, Hannah Pick at or call 802-387-8551.
Our community supports us so we can support our community, and we’re so grateful for all of you.