Important: Information about 3SquaresVT Benefits Theft

[This post is from P Moran at Hunger Vermont]

Dear Colleagues,

We are reaching out to you today to share an announcement from the Department for Children and Families.

The vendor who distributes 3SquaresVT benefits on Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards has received several reports of theft. Some Vermont participants have reported that their benefits were withdrawn from their cards through a bank in California — without their knowledge or permission. Similar reports have been received in other states.

The Vermont Department for Children and Families is working to replace the stolen benefits as soon as possible. Funds will be replaced by paper check to avoid further theft. There is currently a block on all transactions from California using Vermont EBT cards.

This theft of benefits is money for food stolen from low-income Vermonters. DCF is encouraging 3SquaresVT participants to take actions to determine if they have experienced theft and secure their account. Specific actions are listed below and in the attached press release. We need your help getting the word out to 3SquaresVT participants. Please consider doing the following:

  • Forward this email and attached press release from DCF to colleagues and partners.

  • Share this information and the attached press release with 3SquaresVT participants. Encourage anyone you serve who accesses benefits on an EBT card to check balances, change pins, and call the Benefits Service Center at 1-800-179-6151 if theft is believed to have taken place.

    • Benefits can be checked on, the FIS EBT mobile app, or by calling EBT customer service (24/7) at 1-800-914-8605

  • Visit Hunger Free Vermont's Facebook page and share our post on your organization's social media.

We applaud DCF and the Scott Administration for taking swift action to replace stolen benefits immediately so that Vermonters are not going hungry this month. As we learn more, we will keep you updated with any significant information. Contact Faye Mack at with any questions.