The Putney Foodshelf has wrapped up it’s biggest food drive of the year — Top the Truck 2018 — and it was a big success. A total of 2,767 pounds were donated this year.
• 149 cases purchased at the Co-op, totaling…
• 1,146.5 pounds of Co-op bulk purchase, plus…
• 1,620.5 pounds collected at the truck
How does it compare to last year?
2017 total pounds collected: 2,726.5
That’s 40.5 pounds more this year. (Last year was a good year, so this is a gratifying goal to have matched.)
One significant difference: in 2017 only 8 cases were purchased at the Co-op, but it was a popular choice in 2018!
There are so many people and organizations to thank for making Top the Truck 2018 a success:
Donors: Gratitude goes to all who gave food, and to those who chose to give monetarily as well. Both food and financial donations are essential to the function of the Foodshelf!
Sponsors: Soundview Paper Co. and Basketville.
The truck: Provided by Soundview Paper Co. Thanks also to Ernie, of Soundview, for delivering the truck and helping unload.
The Putney Food Co-op: Special thanks goes out to the Putney Food Co-op for being such an incredible partner in the event this year. The bulk-rate promotion they offered provided an easy and satisfying way for people to donate. They also promoted the event actively on social media, at the store, and welcomed us tabling for days. It was amazing to see the towering pallet of Co-op bulk purchases heading to the Foodshelf and Food4Kids.
Volunteers: So many volunteers pitched in to make this possible, from pro bono graphic design work by Flocksholm Design, hanging posters, putting out sandwich boards, running shifts at the truck, waving signs on the road, tabling at the Co-op, unloading over 2,000 lbs. of food…!
Schools: The Grammar School did their annual food drive, ‘Stuff the Bus to Top the Truck,’ which brought in 337.6 pounds, delivered to the truck by the 4th, 5th and 8th graders. The Putney Central School Asset Council did a school-wide food drive that brought in 57.4 lbs. Landmark College donated 113.2 lbs. Students from The Putney School, Landmark College, and Greenwood School all joined us waving signs and bringing food drive spirit to the center of town.
Thank you, Putney, for coming forward with your full support! We couldn’t do what we do without you.